KIDs “key information documents”, refer to 3-page documents which, as of January 1st 2018, every issuer will be obliged to submit to the customer, containing key information on the product sold.


The introduction of KIDs for all PRIIPs comes fully within the host of post-crisis European provisions aimed at strengthening retail investor protection.

PRIIPs “packaged retail investment and insurance‐based investment products”, are "pre-assembled" investment and insurance products sold by the financial industry to retail customers.

KIDs “key information documents”, refer to 3-page documents, which every issuer will be obliged to submit to the customer, containing key information on the product sold.

According to the European Union, as of January 1st 2018, every issuer will be obliged to provide the KIDs relating to products of their own issue and supply the customers with a copy, otherwise they will not be able to sell the products.  The information therein should be standardized and comparable and an average retail investor should be able to understand them easily.

Until now, issuers have paid little attention to this topic, convinced that the regulation's coming into force would be deferred and that they would be able to produce an "in-house" document since it seemed to be easy to create.

In reality, the activation times would still be very tight because the KIDs will not only have to be prepared for new products, but also for those of older issue. Each KID must then be constantly monitored and, if necessary, updated and published on multiple channels.

Furthermore, issuers are now realizing that the KIDs are not just simple reports but do, in fact, contain quantitative and qualitative information that is hard to assemble, implying an in-depth knowledge of the regulation and the technical standards to be applied.

This is why issuers, particularly banks and insurance companies, are now rushing to adapt quickly to the regulation.

In order to meet the needs of its clientele, CAD IT, in collaboration with «Fairmat», a company that has been working for years on themes regarding PRIIPs, has created a software solution that will allow issuers to rapidly structure the KIDs in relation to all product types involved in the regulation.

The platform is extremely flexible and can be integrated with the necessary general data for automating the process.

Moreover, scenarios can be constructed to check the final result of the KIDs created for the Issuers' new products.